CORNWALL, Ontario – Environment Canada has issued a rainfall warning for Cornwall and the United Couties of SD&G.
Rainfall warnings are issued when more thn 25 milimetress of rain is forecasted to fall in less than 24 hours when the ground is frozen or already saturated.
The rain that was expectedt o begin late last night will continue throughout the day today and into Friday night.
In total some areas could see as much as 50 milimetres of rain.
“Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible,” the Warning from Environment Canada reads. “If visibility is reduced while driving, turn on your lights and maintain a safe following distance. Don’t approach washouts near rivers, creeks and culverts.”
The Raisin Region Conservation Authority and the South Nation Conservation authority had already advised residents of their areas that rising waterlevels could be expected thanks to rain that fell on the region earlier this week.