Wellings Winchester Residents Join the Magic!

provided by Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation
Wellings Winchester Residents Join the Magic!
General Manager Phil Rankins and the residents of Wellings - Winchester present a cheque for $2,000 to the new Dundas Manor. (Photo : WDMHF)

The residents who live at Wellings – Winchester are a close-knit group who believe in community. They also believe in supporting their local long-term care home. And we are grateful!

At their December 2024 Christmas Party, residents gave donations for the new Dundas Manor. Then the Welling’s General Manager announced a top-off to the amount. In the end, $2,000 had been raised.

“Thank you to General Manager Phil Rankin and everyone at Wellings – Winchester for your support,” noted Erin Kapcala, Manager of Major and Planned Giving at the WDMH Foundation. “It is amazing what an impact these donations have in helping to build a brand-new home for current and future residents!”

For more details about the Dundas Manor campaign, please visitwww.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169. If you would like to host a community event to benefit the new Dundas Manor or Winchester District Memorial Hospital, please reach out to Justine Plummer at 613-774-2422 ext. 6172 or jplummer@wdmh.on.ca. Thank you for your support!

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