Community Events

Seaway News
Community Events

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CHRISTMAS BAZAAR at Ingleside- Newington United Church on Sat., Nov. 5 from 11 am – 2 pm. Lunch 11:30 -1:00. Cost $8.00. Bake table, crafts, nearly new.

LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo on Mondays & Thursday at 12 Noon.  Doors open at 10am.  Next Euchre on Wed., Nov. 2. Please call on Monday to reserve your spot.

CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties.  Info: Louise 613-932-7557.

IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit

CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. If you or someone you know is in need of a quilt, contact: Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951.  Email:

SPAGHETTI  FUNDRAISER:  will be held on the last Friday of the month October 28th at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and  4-6:30 pm.

IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, the “Catholic Information Centre” is at your service from Monday to Friday 10am-4pm at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). (613) 933-5099

MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at We plan to hold virtual support meetings every second month.

WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs)  Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS,  205 Amelia St. (downstairs).  Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available.

SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St is now open for all activities. Full vaccination required. For a full list of activities or to register call: (613) 932-4969.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order in advance 613-933-2362.

CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Contact Roly for info: 613-932-9396.

SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians who play an instrument at an intermediate level to join us. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:45pm to 8:45pm at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Ralph Bough at 613-362-4881.

Bingo at the CCÉC ! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, Cornwall.

BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIO – SOUTH EASTERN REGION – Need help with the loss of a loved one?  Open Support and Share Adult group sessions held monthly every 3rd Thursday at the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St.  Register at or email or call 613-936-7470.

SQUARE DANCE LESSONS. Every Friday nights (except holidays) from 7-9 pm at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. East. Teens 12-18 accompanied by an adult dance fore free. Info: Linda 613-360-5216 or 613-936-2563.

SEAWAY STRINGS is a group of fiddlers who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1 – 3 pm at the Seaway Senior Citizens Club at 506 Pitt St. Newcomers are welcome to join us in playing Celtic, Old Time and various styles of fiddle tunes. Info: Rick 613 932 2872.

HIGHLAND QUILTER GUILD is holding a Quilt Show on Fri. Nov. 4 & Sat. Nov 5, 10-4pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church – 21 Main St., Maxville. Vendors, tea, quilt demonstrations & quilt talk. Admission is $5. For info call Cheryl 613-534-2342.

THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY Help for Hope Lottery gives you a chance to win $5,000! Draw date is November 19, 2022! Call (613) 932-4914 to buy your tickets today!

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY Executive meeting on Wed., Nov. 2 at the Legion on Second St. Executive at 6:30 pm and General at 7 pm. Meetings are first Wednesday of the month.

HALLOWEEN TRUNK OR TREAT on Mon. Oct 31 starting at 4:30 pm at Lamoureux Park. Free family friendly walk-through event sponsored by the Optimist Club of Cornwall.

CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB Bid Euchre will be held in the Glen Lounge on Thurs. Oct. 27 in the main hall. Starting time 1 pm. The dates for November are the 10th, 17th and 24th in the main hall. Starting time 1 pm

TRINITY FALL MARKET at Trinity Church Hall on Sat. Nov 5th from 10am-2pm. Come to buy or rent a table. Crafts, jewellery, Christmas décor, books, plants and so much more. Bake table with coffee or tea. Info: Keith 613-933-3991 ext 25.

MARTINTOWN REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES will start on Thurs., Nov. 10th with the placement of white crosses at 3:30 pm. Roll call for 26 members of Canadian Forces from the village who were killed in active duty in the First World War and Second World War will take place at dusk. All crosses will be lit. Those bringing their crosses are asked to bring their own tea lights. Remembrance Day Services on Fri., Nov. 11th will be held at the Cenotaph in Martintown at 2 pm. Info: 613-933-1415.

WING IT FOR KIDS’ SAKE sponsored by the Big Brothers Big Sister of Cornwall on Sat., Nov. 12 at 6 pm at the Knights of Columbus. Tickets include 12 wings, fries, dessert and entertainment. Winning restaurant of the 6th Annual Wing It For Kids’ Sake will be awarded.  Info: 613-933-8035.

THE SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB 506 Pitt St. is hosting a Bid Euchre Tournament on Sat., Nov. 5th at 1:00 pm.  Info: Therese Cadieux at 613-934-0998.

BAZAAR at Lakeshore Drive United Church, 19 Lakeshore Drive, Morrisburg on Oct. 29th from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. Bake table, jewellery, jams, jellies, bargain table, novels and houseplants. Sandwiches, desserts, tea & coffee. Info: 613-543-3079.

A FESTIVE CEILIDH… Please join us on Sun., Nov. 20 from 2-4 pm at the Celtic Music Hall of Fame in Williamstown. Welcome the Spirit of Christmas with music, apple cider/punch and goodies. Bring an instrument to play or bring a friend. Proceeds will go to Hospice Cornwall!

ARE YOU IN A NEW POSITION? OR NEW TO THE AREA? Seaway Toastmasters club,  is part of Toastmasters International  providing a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. Join us every second and fourth Tuesday, at the Cornwall Public Library, at 6:15pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 sharp. Info: Laura, 613-551-3252

ANNUAL SUNRISE ROTARY TRIVIA CHALLENGE Fri., Nov. 18 at 6:00pm at Best Western Parkway Inn. An evening that abounds with lots of laughs and challenging trivia! Fantastic Silent Auction. Info or to register: 613-931-2939 or

CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB The monthly luncheon, meeting and bingo will be held on Thurs., Nov. 3rd.    Starting time at noon. *PLEASE NOTE:  The Christmas Supper tickets are on sale for “ONLY” members and guests at the November meeting

SISTERS FOR LIFE CHRISTMAS GALA at the Finch Community Hall on Fri., Nov 18.  A night filled with good food, Christmas shopping and dancing. All proceeds go to help fight cancer. Info: Maureen 613-662-2935 or

St. Francis Knights of Columbus Council 11531 Community Roast Beef Dinner on Thurs., Nov. 10 in the St. Francis de Sales Parish Hall (434 Second St. W.)  from 4:30-6:00 PM. Complete dinner including coleslaw, roll, roast beef entre, dessert and beverage. All are welcome. Fully accessible hall with elevator service provided.

ENCORE EDUCATION CENTRE offers daytime sessions for adults 50+. Learning for fun and discovery. No exams or grades.  New courses and workshops starting weekly through October and November. Info: or call 613-937-1525.

CORNWALL GIRLS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION will be running both our Competitive Oct 28-30 and House Nov 11-13 tournaments. Both tournaments have over 50 teams registered. Our Competitive tournament even has a team flying in from Thunder Bay! Come out see the girls in action!

ROTARY CLUB OF CORNWALL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS HAM CAMPAIGN. To place your order before November 15, 2022 please email: or call 613-362-0740.

THE MOCCASIN RAILROAD CLUB meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at the Charles Emile Claude Centre, 146B Chevrier Ave., in Cornwall. Modelers of all scales and railfans welcome. 613 930-5646 for info.

THE CENTENNIAL CHOIR OF CORNWALL invites you to “REJOICE”, our Christmas concert with songs of Hope, Inspiration and Fun to be held on Fri., Dec. 9 at 7:30 pm at Aultsville Theatre. Tickets are available from any choir member, Home Hardware, 1300 Vincent Massey Drive, Melody Music, 104 Pitt Street or at the door.

CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Let’s Play Euchre. November 2, 16 & 30th at 7 pm. Info: Roly 613-932-9396 or Helen 613-931-3076.

CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Country Music Night on Nov. 12th at the Lion’s Club in Bonville. Supper served at 6 pm. Info: Marland 613-936-3625

ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, South Lancaster, will host once again its Tartan Sunday worship service on Sun. Nov 13 at 11 am. Musical guests include The MacLeod Fiddlers, accordionist Rob Taylor, singer Paddy Kelly, St. Andrew’s Choir, Ruthanna and Nelson MacPherson, piper Bruce McCuaig along with several Highland Dancers. Following the service a luncheon will be held in the church hall. Info: Rev. Ian MacMillan at 931-2545.

CORNWALL WESLEYAN CHURCH invites you to our Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. Nov. 6th Special Guest Speaker John Lounsberry and Nov. 13th Eric Richards. Kids Konnect ( Ages 4 to 12 years ) and Nursery available. Midweek Bible Study on the Book of Revelation, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in person or via Zoom. Info.613-936-9166 ( 780 Sydney St. ) or or visit

Tri-County Literacy is pleased to offer a FREE Tutor Training on Wed., Nov. 2 and Thurs., Nov. 3 from 10-12.  Topics explored included the adult learner, the assessment process, learning styles, teaching strategies, and resources available.  To register, call 613-932-7161.


Marche d’automne– Morale en marche. Regoignez- nous pour marches thematiques le 28 octobre. Profiter de strategie de bien etre pour la sante mentale. Contactez 613-937-3132 poste 234 (French Program)

Bingo au CCÉC !  Venez jouer tous les lundis à 18h00.  Portes ouvertes à 16h00.  PAS DE RÉSERVATION.  Rendez-vous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall .

LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo les lundis et jeudis à 12h00. Ouverture des portes à 10h. Prochain Euchre le mercredi 2 novembre. Veuillez appeler le lundi pour réserver votre place.

HALLOWEEN TRUNK OR TREAT le lun. 31 octobre à partir de 16 h 30 au parc Lamoureux. Événement gratuit et familial parrainé par le Club Optimiste de Cornwall.

La HIGHLAND QUILTER GUILD organise une exposition de courtepointes le vendredi 4 et le samedi 5 novembre, de 10 à 16 heures, à l’église presbytérienne St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church – 21 Main St., Maxville. Vendeurs, thé, démonstrations de courtepointe et discussion sur la courtepointe. L’entrée est de 5 $. Pour plus de renseignements, appelez Cheryl au 613-534-2342.

MARCHÉ D’AUTOMNE DE TRINITÉ à la salle paroissiale de Trinity le samedi 5 novembre de 10h à 14h. Venez acheter ou louer une table. Artisanat, bijoux, décorations de Noël, livres, plantes et bien plus encore. Table de cuisson avec café ou thé. Renseignements : Keith 613-933-3991 poste 25.

Les SERVICES DU JOUR DU SOUVENIR DE MARTINTOWN commenceront le jeudi 10 novembre par la pose de croix blanches à 15 h 30. L’appel nominal pour les 26 membres des Forces canadiennes du village qui ont été tués en service actif pendant la Première Guerre mondiale et la Seconde Guerre mondiale aura lieu à la tombée de la nuit. Toutes les croix seront allumées. Les personnes qui apporteront leur croix sont priées d’apporter leurs propres bougies à thé. La cérémonie du jour du Souvenir, le vendredi 11 novembre, aura lieu au cénotaphe de Martintown à 14 heures. Renseignements : 613-933-1415

WING IT FOR KIDS’ SAKE parrainé par les Grands Frères et Grandes Sœurs de Cornwall le samedi 12 novembre à 18 h au Knights of Columbus. Les billets comprennent 12 ailes, des frites, un dessert et un divertissement. Le restaurant gagnant de la 6e édition annuelle de Wing It For Kids’ Sake sera récompensé.  Renseignements : 613-933-8035.

Le SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB 506, rue Pitt, organise un tournoi d’euchre le samedi 5 novembre à 13 h 00.  Renseignements : Thérèse Cadieux au 613-934-0998.

BAZAAR à l’église unie Lakeshore Drive, 19 Lakeshore Drive, Morrisburg, le 29 octobre de 10 h 30 à 13 h 30. Table de pâtisseries, bijoux, confitures, gelées, table d’aubaines, romans et plantes d’intérieur. Sandwichs, desserts, thé et café. Renseignements : 613-543-3079.

CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB Le déjeuner mensuel, la réunion et le bingo auront lieu le jeudi 3 novembre.    L’heure de début est fixée à midi. *VEUILLEZ NOTER : Les billets pour le souper de Noël sont en vente pour les membres ” SEULEMENT ” et les invités à la réunion de novembre.

GALA DE NOËL DES SOEURS POUR LA VIE au Finch Community Hall le vendredi 18 novembre.  Une soirée remplie de bonne nourriture, de shopping de Noël et de danse. Tous les bénéfices sont destinés à la lutte contre le cancer. Renseignements : Maureen 613-662-2935 ou

Francis Knights of Columbus Council 11531 Community Roast Beef Dinner le jeudi 10 novembre dans la salle paroissiale de St. Francis de Sales (434 Second St. W.) de 16 h 30 à 18 h 00. Le dîner complet comprendra une salade de chou, un petit pain, une entrée de rosbif, un dessert et une boisson. Tous sont les bienvenus. Salle entièrement accessible avec service d’ascenseur.

CAMPAGNE ANNUELLE DE JAMBON DE NOËL DU ROTARY CLUB DE CORNWALL. Pour passer votre commande avant le 15 novembre 2022, veuillez envoyer un courriel à : ou téléphoner au 613-362-0740.

LE CLUB RAILROAD MOCCASIN se réunit le premier mercredi du mois à 19 h, au Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146B, avenue Chevrier, à Cornwall. Les modélistes de toutes les échelles et les amateurs de chemins de fer sont les bienvenus. 613 930-5646 pour plus d’informations.


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