Trump crowd touting God endorsement

Mac's Musings—Claude McIntosh
Trump crowd touting God endorsement

Don’t know about you, but I’m coming down with an acute case of Trumpitis.

And this just a few days after he was sworn in … again.

Absorbing the hour-to-hour blanket coverage on cable television is like drinking from a fire hose.

CNN/MSNBC: Trump bad guy.

FOX: Trump good guy.

At noon on Jan. 20 he said he wanted to heal the country’s political wounds. He was going to be the healer-in-chief. Two hours later he called the former president corrupt and suggested he should be put in jail with his family, along with prosecutors and judges.

Bad enough he brags about being the greatest president since A. Lincoln, but the God-fearing Michael Johnson, Speaker of the House, announced that Trump is the greatest president of “our generation.” No way he really believes it.

Some people will do or say anything to get a free Trump bible.

Meanwhile, the record for the shortest presidential endorsement belongs to the national law enforcement brotherhood. It yanked its campaign endorsement the same day Trump freed hundreds of jailed thugs who beat up cops at the Capitol riot. The deaths of five officers were connected to the riot.

But he still has, if you listen to the MAGA crowd, the only endorsement that matters – God’s. Just a thought, but how do they know God backs Trump?

One talking head said it best: the Trump reign is akin to pro rassling. You get 20 minutes of show biz and five minutes of wrestling.

Forget about the Excited States of America, can the world take four years of Trump mania? Can Trump last four years?

God help us. Maybe God will have second thoughts on his endorsement.

THIS AND THAT MSNBC anchor Joy Reid, who is black, had some post-election advice for Democrats: Next time around stop trying to find the best black female presidential candidate. Just find the best candidate. … Doug Ford is being heckled by the opposition for calling an early election. One would think that they would relish the ‘opportunity’ to get rid of him before 2026. … The very much pro Trump New York Post, third largest daily newspaper in the U.S., carried 22 pro-Trump stories/columns in its Jan. 24 edition. … Liberal leadership hopefuls Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney have joined Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre in the anti-carbon tax choir. Well, sort of. Read the fine print. … How can former Canadiens’ goaltender Corey Price not be included on the next Hall of Fame inductee list. It’s a gimme.

JANUARY 1958:  The proverbial stork was outpacing the grim reaper. Vital statistics for 1957 showed the city had an all-time high 2,010 births (Hotel Dieu and Cornwall General), while there were 487 deaths and 281 marriages. All but a few of the marriages were performed in a church. October led the baby parade with 217 births (do the math),while December was second with 205. When it came to weddings, August led all months with 31. There were 55 deaths in August. The city’s population grew by 747 to 41,274. … Charges laid by city police during 1957 led to 6,772 convictions with 198 people given jail time. All 67 stolen vehicles were recovered. Of the 322 bicycles stolen, 278 were recovered. The force had 51 officers, six cruisers and two motorcycles. … Cornwall Golf and Country Club members voted for a plan to expand the course to 18 holes. Land acquired from the McNairn estate was purchased for the expansion. The club had 600 members. … CKSF Radio announced it was increasing its local news coverage by making better use of the Standard-Freeholder newsroom. … The city’s 40 gas stations agreed to end a six-month gas war which saw pump prices dip to a low of 37.8 cents a gallon. … Car insurance rates increased in the city with annual premium for the average car owner climbing to $40 a year from $35. … City council turned down a proposed $300-a-month contract with a Montreal public relations firm to promote the city. … The planning board asked CPR for permission to cross its property to extend Seventh Street East to Amelia Street. (It never happened).

PART TWO: A 100-year-old farm house in Lochiel Townshp was destroyed by fire, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay and their 10 children homeless. Because the township and Town of Alexandria did not have a mutual aid agreement, fire fighters from Alexandria were prevented from responding. … United Counties councillors voted to increase their per-meeting pay to $10 from $8. … On the sports scene, Bobby Attersley of the Whitby Dunlops led the OHA senior hockey league scoring with 62 points on 27 goals and 35 assists. Moe Savard of the Cornwall Chevies had 40 points on 16 goals and 24 points. Attersley, considered one of the best players not in the NHL, preferred the senior circuit because the Dunlops paid more. … St. Lawrence High School Saints downed Brockville Collegiate Rams 72-41 in an EOSSA junior basketball game. Larry Keen led the Saints with 24 points. Wayne Runte had 16 and John Bergeron nine. … Mohawks dumped Comets 7-0 in a Cornwall Junior Hockey League game. Rick Rushford,two, Dale Waldroff, Alan Mitchell, Pat Rowe, Clarence Adams and Bernie Currier scored.

TRIVIA: This former National Football League star played the lead role in the movie ‘Blazing Saddles’.

TRIVIA ANSWER: The two oldest Major League franchises are the Atlanta Braves and Chicago Cubs. The Braves started life in 1871 in Boston and re-located to Milwaukee before moving to Atlanta. The Cubs startedplaying in 1876.

QUOTED:  “When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in the United States, you get a front-row seat.” – Comedian George Carlin





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