Summerstown, ON – The 10th annual Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race will take place on Saturday, February 10, with the start time set at 10:00 a.m.
In fact, there are two races. First, there is the 7.5 km race which awards points for the Dion Canadian Snowshoe Series. In addition to some local participants, most of the participants in this race are regulars in the series and come from the Ottawa, Montreal, and Kingston areas. There is a second, shorter 4.0 km race, the Summerstown Forest Challenge, which is open to anyone including first timers looking to give the sport a try. There are a limited number of Dion racing snowshoes available for rental.
Last year’s event attracted a record number of 53 participants. Race director Gilles Parisien hopes that this number will be surpassed this year in spite on the rainy weather we have had and lack of snow. “The trails being used for the race have a hard-packed base and the race is definitely on, said Parisien. In fact, with cooler night temperatures, it will be a very fast race.” The winners usually complete the 7.7 km distance respectively in 35 minutes (men) and 45 minutes (women).
Unlike many of the races in the series, this is a totally trail race and the Summerstown Forest, with its rolling terrain and various tree species in different parts of the forest, offers an ideal setting and many of the participants come back year after year because of this.
There is still time to register for the race by visiting the Dion Series website at The general public is invited to come and catch the start of the mass start, which is always interesting, and then go on an outing of their own on the trails. With close to 30 km of trails, there is lots to choose from.
The Summerstown Trails are located 1.6 km north of exit 804 of the 401 at 6150 Summerstown Road and offer free parking and trail access year-round.