Did you know that the GIANT PUMPKIN has landed at Cornwall Square? Landed is not the exact word to be used since the GIANT PUMPKIN got tangled up and is hanging above the mall on the upper level under the skylight. A custom creation by Balloon Babes especially for the Square, two smaller pumpkins decided to join in the fun. What a great photo op. as a keepsake. Only around for the next 18 days, the GIANT PUMPKIN will ultimately end up in a mega pumpkin balloon pie.
Did you know that Urban Wear will move in this week and start to merchandise their store for an anticipated week of November 1st store opening. We welcome Kara and T.J. to Cornwall Square.
Did you know that The Ghost Walk for Charity 2022 kicks off tomorrow evening October 13th from 5:00pm until 9:00pm followed by the same hours on Friday October 14th and Saturday October 15th of this week and the same hours for next Thursday October 20th, Friday October 21st and Saturday October 22nd. The Ghost Walk for Charity 2022 will close out its performance here at Cornwall Square the following week on Thursday October 27th, Friday October 28th and the final day on October 29th from 5:00pm until 10:00pm. Come and have fun while getting a good scare and helping charities in your community. Non-scare hours are held from 5-6pm, with scare hours from 6-9pm.
Just a reminder, this coming weekend the Cornwall ROAD WARRIORS Car Club will pay a return visit to Cornwall Square. Come and see the cars and talk to the owners. As in the case of the previous car show in June of this year, the club’s vehicles will occupy the common area on the main floor of the mall.
Did you know that with Halloween now a little over 2 weeks away, it means that Veterans Week at Cornwall Square will start 5 days after the GIANT PUMPKIN disappears into a mega pie and then, lo’ and behold Santa is only a couple of weeks after that. Santa has sent us another email letting us know that after taking part in the City of Cornwall Santa Claus Parade on Saturday November 19th , SANTA will be here in the house at Cornwall Square starting on Sunday November 20th at 11:00am.
Remember, shop indoors, shop The Square, and support your local merchants that make up Cornwall’s retail sector.