There are many ways that a patient finds their way to our slow-paced rehabilitation program at St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre (SJCCC). Often after an injury or illness, patient therapy is needed to strengthen and increase endurance in anticipation of a safe return home.
Many patients enrolled in our rehabilitation program not only require physical rehabilitation but at times require enhanced re-training in the day-to-day activities they need to do on their own once they are home.
Our goal in the rehabilitation program is to get you stronger and to increase social opportunities for participation in programs that will help you thrive once at home. Our program allows you to customize your discharge goals based on what you need to do to return to the community safely.
Special thanks to the generosity of Pommier Jewellers, our program was blessed with the construction of an ADL (Activities of Daily Living) apartment. This space features a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and shower – all you need to feel at home to practice the daily living skills we often take for granted. The therapy team uses this space to work on retraining, and practicing daily tasks so that patients feel confident to return to their homes. Tasks may include washing dishes, getting in and out of the shower, opening a fridge door, and preparing a meal.
Our recreation team has developed a Breakfast and Lunch Program where a small group of patients gather together in the ADL Apartment to choose a recipe. They decide their preferred ingredients, read the recipe, measure, prepare, cook, or bake the dish and, enjoy a meal together.
Planning, decision-making, coordination, memory, fine motor skills, and conversation are the cognitive elements of the program that are needed
We are thrilled with the success of the program which runs several times throughout the week. Its benefits help us reintegrate our patients back home in a happy, healthy, and thriving manner. As we move through the year, this program will continue to be embedded into our daily program allowing each patient to have the experience!