CORNWALL, Ontario – The latest show from the Seaway Valley Theatre Company (SVTC) is a tale as old as time. In less than three weeks, SVTC’s “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” will be premiering at Aultsville Theatre.
The play features Melissa Dionne in the lead role as Belle with Jim Malyon playing the Beast.
There are 45 cast members with a crew of around 70 people who are coming together to make this show happen. The play includes complex choreography and elaborate costumes and sets.
“Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” will be staged at the Aultsville Theatre, 2 St. Lawrence Drive, on February 16, 17, 23 and 24, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.
There will also be two matinees on Feb. 18 and 19 at 1:30 p.m.
Tickets are $23.00 for adults, $21.00 for students, and $19.00 for children under 12. One dollar from every ticket sold will go to the Aultsville Theatre Capital Refurbishment Fund.
Tickets are available at the United Way of SD&G office at 405 Fourth St. West and online at Tickets are also available at the door one hour before each show.
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