CORNWALL, Ontario – Thor Grant and Christine Piette have been named the Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year by the Cornwall chapter of Big Brothers/ Big Sisters.
“This Big Sister has been with the agency for six years. She believes in the cause and the importance of having a mentor in a child’s life. When Big Sister was going through the process to become a Big Sister she didn’t realize the need for male volunteers,” Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Cornwall stated about Piette.
“After her orientation she immediately reached out to her brother and father and encouraged them to apply to become Big Brothers. Now, her father is a Big Brother in our one on one program and her brother was a Big Brother. Big Sister brings her family to many of our special outings and fundraisers. Her family has gone above and beyond helping the agency with events, fundraisers, budget classes and donations,” the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters announcement went on to say.
Selected for Big Brother of the Year Award was Thor Grant who, at 27, is the youngest person in SD&G to receive the award.
He has been involved with Big Brothers/ Big Sisters for six years, but has served as a Big Brother for the past three.
“There are a lot of people in the organization who I felt were more deserving than me,” said Grant. “It came down to the support I received from my little who nominated me.”
Grant explained that he truly believed in the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters organization.
“What they do for the community is amazing,” he said. “The events tehy do in the community get the kids involved and gives them something to do.”