CORNWALL & SDG, Ontario – The St. Lawrence River Institute presented their annual accomplishments to SDG Counties Council on Monday, Dec. 17 and asked for $10,000 in continued funding.
Jeff Ridal, Executive Director of the River Institute, explained how funding will support education, camps, youth employment and the River Champions. He was proud to announce that over the past five years, seven full-time staff members have been added to the team.
One new team member includes Dr. Leigh McGaughey, a decorated Research Scientist who has studied in South Africa, Australia and B.C. Dr. McGaughey will assist in the production of an ecosystem health report, The Great River Rapport, which staff are hoping to complete by Spring 2020.
“This is a program we have created called the River Rapport. It’s a really major initiative,” said Dr. McGaughey. She explained that by using ecosystem indicators, the overall health of the river will be graded. The rapport will also highlight stories, data and research about the river through a comprehensive, web-based platform. With help from partners, the institute will be conducting studies from Kingston to Lake Saint Francis.
“We would like to be able to engage the local communities and find out what they would like to know about the river,” said Dr. McGaughey. She encouraged everyone to voice their opinion through an online survey at
Ridal also discussed the benefits of continued research revolving wetlands, sediment mapping and the Fish Identification Nearshore Survey (FINS) project.
Walter Oeggerli, Chairman of the Board, explained that the Institute is not government funded. The River Champions is a very beneficial program for the Institute, contributing a total of $80,000 in 2018.
“Over the last number of years, the SDG Counties have been a big part of the River Institute…and it has all payed off, as you can see,” said Oeggerli.
South Stormont Mayor Bryan McGillis was the first to voice his concerns for ecosystems in the river following the presentation. McGillis asked if there is currently research evaluating how various ecosystems are responding in areas where low water levels were prominent during the summer. Ridal confirmed that this is an active file.
To find out more about the River Institute and their various initiatives, or to become River Donor, visit