CORNWALL, Ontario – Residents had the chance to clear out their filing cabinets this Saturday, May 27 as the Kiwanis Club’s hosted their first local Shred-It event at Fine’s Home Hardware.
For just seven of your Earth dollars, the service allows businesses and individuals to safely dispose of files. Reinhold Eisner, who is President of the Kiwanis Club of Cornwall says that the club expects to shred roughly 200 boxes.
“If we hit the 200 mark, we’ll consider it a success,” said Eisner.
‘How does it work?’ you ask. Simple. Two trucks, one shredder.
Patrons drive up to the first truck, where the contents of their boxes are dumped into a hopper, which goes into the shredder. The shredder does exactly what you’d expect – and bonus, you can sit and watch.
Afterward, the shredded papers are loaded into a truck, which is locked and secured until it gets to home base.
“We’ve got people standing by all day,” said Eisner. “The whole process is extremely secure.”
Eisner says that there have been several local businesses who stopped by to shred some documents, but the bulk of individuals involved were just regular people looking unload some of their files.
“It gives people the opportunity to take all their documents – anything they want to discard in paper form,” said Eisner. “Instead of having to shred it one-by-one at home, here it takes a couple seconds and the whole box is gone.”
All funds raised will be reinvested into community efforts such as the Children’s Mental Health Unit, as well as the three local cadet corps.