SLIDESHOW: 40th annual Tim Horton’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake

Nick Seebruch

CORNWALL, Ontario – There were packed lanes and packed hearts at the 40th annual Tim Horton’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake in Cornwall on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018.

Both of Cornwall’s bowling lanes, Olympia Bowl and Nativity Bowl, hosted nearly 170 teams.

Within the first hour $15, 000 was raised.

This special 40th anniversay  saw the return of Hermann Rogalsky as Honourary Chair. Rogalsky chaired the first Bowl for Kids’ Sake, then known as Bowl for Millions, in 1978,

“I had just moved into Cornwall in ’78 and my office was on McConnel and Fourth,” Rogalsky said in an earlier interview with Seaway News. He remembered how he would meet with the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Executive Director of the day who convinved him to come on board as the first honourary chair. Rogalsky has helped raise thousands of dollars for Big Brothers/ Big Sisters through Bowling for Kids Sake and in 1992 was the Big of the Year.

Rogalsky explained that he was happy to be back.





“I came back and the next thing I know it came up that I would be honourary chair,” he said. “I felt honoured and I came back and wated to help out and make sure the program kept going.”

In addition to sponsoring, Tim Horton’s had teams entered into Bowl for Kids’ Sake and sent volunteers to help out.

The two day event is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Cornwall. The event’s second day is taking place in Chesterville on Sunday, Feb. 4.

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