CORNWALL, Ontario – A province wide shutdown to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic went into effect on Dec. 26, 2020. This shutdown will affect the return to school in 2021. Regional school boards have issued additional information for parents to better understand what a return to school will look like in January.
Across the province, elementary school students and secondary school students will begin learning remotely starting Jan. 4. Elementary school students are expected to return to class on Jan. 11, with secondary school students continuing to learn remotely until Jan. 22.
The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), in a letter to parents, stated that remote learning for all students would not begin at the usual start time in the morning of Jan. 4.
“School-based staff will be meeting virtually on the morning of January 4 and work to transition to remote learning. You/your child can expect to hear from your teacher(s) regarding remote learning plans in the afternoon on Monday, Jan. 4, if not before,” reads a statement from the UCDSB.
The UCDSB goes on to state that if parents wish that their child begin learning before the Board finalizes its plan on Jan. 4, that there are virtual resources available from the province via TVO Learn.
The UCDSB states that it is exploring options for students with special learning needs who need in-person learning.
UCDSB students who were enrolled for in-person learning prior to Dec. 18, 2020 and need technological support to learn remotely can fill out a survey, and based on availability, they may receive a device to facilitate remote learning.
For parents who used the UCDSB’s childcare services, all childcare centres will be closed with the exception of the following for emergency childcare for frontline workers:
- Cambridge Public School
- Morrisburg Public School
- Commonwealth Public School
- South Branch Elementary School
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) also sent a letter to parents outlining services that will be available and confirmed that a remote learning strategy would be in place on Jan. 4.
“Teachers and support staff will be available online during regular school hours to support your child’s learning through the Microsoft TEAMS or D2L/Brightspace platform. Teachers will use a blend of synchronous and asynchronous strategies to engage students and facilitate learning,” the CDSBEO letter reads.
Families with technological concerns regarding remote learning, including internet connectivity, are being asked to call their school and speak with the principal.
Schools with childcare centres offering licensed infant, toddler and preschool programs will continue to operate.
French school boards
The French Public board Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO), and the French Catholic board Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien have not posted updates on their websites about the resumption of classes on Monday, other than to note that all students will be learning remotely on Jan. 4, with elementary school students returning to the classroom on Jan. 11, and secondary school students returning on Jan. 22.