Travel planning for snowbirds

Travel planning for snowbirds

Have you and your significant other had enough of winter with its ice storms, snowfall, high winds and treacherous driving conditions? Are you feeling envious of your friends and relatives who go south every year? If you think the snowbird life is for you, here are some things to consider before taking off.


Whether you’re already retired or considering early retirement, carefully calculate whether you have the means to make the move without compromising your quality of life. Hiring a financial professional to help you draw up a budget and manage your tax responsibilities can save you a lot of trouble.


Where will you stay in your sunny paradise? An apartment, chalet, condo or campsite? Be sure to arrange a place that suits your preferences before packing your bags. Remember to book early because the best spots are in high demand.


If you’re planning to be away from home for several months, see your doctor, dentist and any other regular specialists for checkups and prescription renewals before you leave. Additionally, be sure to get any recommended vaccinations for your age group and health conditions.


How will you get there? By car, plane or RV? Depending on your preferences, each of these options has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Talk to a travel agent to evaluate your options. If you decide to drive your own vehicle, make an appointment with your local mechanic or visit your RV dealership to get a complete tune-up.


Even if you’re in good health and your vehicle is in excellent condition, remember that nobody is immune to accidents, illness or mechanical failure. Call your insurer and arrange to get the coverage you’ll need. Medical costs can be astronomical, so don’t take any chances.


While you’re away, you’ll need a plan to handle snow removal, yard and plant maintenance, pet care, mail and bills. Arrange for relatives or a trusted local business to keep your belongings safe while you’re not at home.

The snowbird life is well within reach if you do the right planning. Visit your local professionals to make your winter escape with peace of mind.

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