CORNWALL, Ontario – Cornwall administration will be presenting City Council a series of recommendations for Riverdale Ave. after receiving a petition last month.
The petition outlined concerns around traffic volume and speeds on Riverdale Ave.
“With recent and ongoing development in the north end of Riverdale, there has been a significant increase of traffic volume and speeds,” the petition reads. “Moreover, the constant truck traffic servicing the new Parkwood estates subdivision is a clear contravention of posted vehicle restrictions. These large trucks and flatbeds not only add to the congestion at the intersection of Riverdale Ave. and Grant Ave., but also generate enough vibrations to shake the house foundations on Grant, Riverdale, and adjoining side streets.”
READ MORE: Petition asks Riverdale Ave. traffic issues be addressed
The petition asked that existing vehicle restrictions in the area of Grant Ave. and Riverdale Ave. be enforced, and that a four-way stop be installed at the intersection. Furthermore, the petition asked that other traffic calming strategies and safe crosswalks for pedestrians be installed and that alternate routes be developed to Power Dam Dr. from the north end of Riverdale Ave.
As of Jan. 11, the petition had over 80 signatures.
In its report to Council, administration is recommending against installing an all-way stop at the corner of Riverdale and Grant avenues stating that the intersection did not meet provincial requirements.
Administration does recommend that speed board radars be installed regularly along Riverdale Ave. to raise awareness around speeding on the road, and that the ‘Community Safety Zone’ along Riverdale Avenue be extended north to Dorney Ave.
Administration also recommends that the findings of their report be forwarded to the Cornwall Police Service (CPS) for the purpose of monitoring the rules of the road along Riverdale Ave. and ensure that the speed limit is being enforced. Administration states that they will continue to monitor the situation on Riverdale Ave. to identify any persistent issues.
Council will either vote to receive and endorse administrations recommendations, although they can also send administration back to the drawing board.