CORNWALL, Ontario – City of Cornwall administration has been directed by Cornwall City Council to seek feedback on the size of council, as well as whether or not council elections should return to a ward system.
Currently, there are 10 councillors plus the Mayor. All councillors are elected “at-large” meaning that councillors can live in any part of the city and run. Under a ward system, councillors would be elected by, and would represent, those in their own neighbourhoods.
Several councillors including Elaine MacDonald and Claude McIntosh have stated their skepticism at a ward system, with McIntosh characterizing it as leading to a lot of “horse trading” amongst councillors and neighbourhoods withing the city.
RELATED: Some councillors hesitant to consult public on council size and ward system
As for the size of council, this is something that councillors seem more willing to explore, with some around the table openly stating that 10 councillors seems like too many for a city the size of Cornwall.
City administration has posted a four question survey about council size and electoral reform on the City of Cornwall website.
They have also mailed out copies of the survey to 2,000 random residences within Cornwall.
The survey will be open until June 15, 2020.