CORNWALL, Ontario – Cornwall residents participated in climate protests that took place across Canada on Friday, Sept. 27, 2019.
While no protests were taking place in Cornwall, residents travelled to Montreal and Ottawa which saw hundreds of thousands march in both cities.
Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry NDP candidate Kelsey Schmitz was in Ottawa where the protest marched right up to the steps of Parliament Hill.
“I believe that the most important issue we face today is the climate crisis. It effects access to clean water and safe homes, displaces peoples from their homes, creates inequalities, and extreme wealth division,” Schmitz wrote in a statement to Seaway News while standing in a sea of protesters on Parliament Hill. “That’s why I had to be present at the Ottawa climate strike, to show that I will come to Ottawa to fight on behalf of climate action.”
Schmitz said that the crowd in Ottawa was passionate, and encouraged her neighbours in SD&G to voice their concerns around the climate as well.
“There are thousands of people here, shouting, singing, crying, and demanding a plan from the leaders of our country,” Schmitz went on to write. “Its time we stop putting wealth and corporations first, and people and the earth last. I would also encourage young people in Stormont Dundas and south Glengarry to start their own #FridayForFutures climate strike, and for people of all ages to join them. I will be there.”
The following video was taken by Cornwall residents at the climate protests in Montreal and sent to Seaway News.
The St. Lawrence River Institute released a statement earlier on Friday endorsing the climate protests.
““How dare you,”” the post begins, referring to a recent speech made by climate activist Great Thunberg. “They are the words of a 16 year old heard ‘round the world and we’re all listening. Today, the Global Climate Strike is happening in 150 countries. Some River Institute staff have decided to join the strikes and we support them taking this action.”
The Institute went on to explain that climate change and climate preservation was a matter of science and that every science-based organization had a role to play.
“We support everyone who will be striking today as well as those who can’t. As a globally-recognized science-based organization, we are part of the climate change conversation. We are scientists,” the post goes on to read. “We do science and present our findings. Our mission is to investigate through data collection, observation, and analysis. Our aim is to provide science so that policy-makers and advocates can push for changes accordingly. This is what’s happening today. We support the climate strike and we thank every individual who is taking action, not only today but every day, to fight the climate crisis we are facing.”