Raise the flag, forget me not

Paula Labonte
Raise the flag, forget me not
(Photo : © Zyland Leduc 2023 - Zyland Leduc)

Donna MacGillivray, the New Executive Director for Alzheimer Society Cornwall & District and Mayor Justin Towndale raise the Alzheimer Awareness Month flag at City Hall.

The Alzheimer Society of Cornwall and District provides support, information and education to those living with dementia, their care partners and families no matter the stage of the journey. During Alzheimer’s Awareness Month organizations and individuals can learn more about dementia and its stark impact.  Awareness is the first step to fighting stigma, reinforcing human rights and pushing for policy change, as well as other actions that can lift up those living with dementia.

With more than half a million Canadians living with dementia today, a number expected to reach almost one million in 10 years, the Alzheimer Society is continuing to enhance its support amongst people living with dementia to meet their needs early in, and throughout, their journey.

Five ways you can support Alzheimer’s Awareness in 2024

1. Support this year’s campaign by spreading the word about Alzheimer Societies,  follow and tag social channels, www.facebook.com/alzheimercornwall. The more visibility, the more people living with dementia can receive support.

2. Connect with them. This year’s campaign is focusing on community, find out what’s going on here in SD &G and how you can get involved.

3. Learn more about dementia. Learning more about dementia can help someone identify the warning signs and get them an early diagnosis, leading to that person getting the help and support they need earlier.

4. Listen to the stories of people with lived experience. The best way to understand the impact of dementia, and the need for further help and support, is to hear directly from people with lived experience of it.

5. Support our other initiatives to raise awareness besides Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, the Alzheimer Society also supports people living with dementia assert their rights and fight stigma through the Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia.

And while Alzheimer’s Awareness Month may stop at the end of January, the experiences of people who live with dementia do not. As such, take what you’ve learned during the month and continue to share it throughout the year.

By understanding what people living with dementia experience in their day-to-day-lives – their struggles, their successes and their hopes – together we can raise awareness of dementia.

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