CORNWALL, Ontario – There will be a new judge on the bench in Cornwall.
Laurie Lacelle, an assistant Crown attorney in Kingston, has been appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice in Cornwall.
She will replace to replace Judge Robert Pelletier, who has been transferred to L’Orignal to replace another justice who elected to become a supernumerary judge.
A supernumerary judge is one who has the option to retire, but instead chooses to sit half of the time of a full-time judge.
Lacelle received a Bachelor of Laws from Queen’s University in 1996 and was admitted to the Bar of Ontario in 1998. She has been an assistant Crown attorney in Kingston since 2000 and as well in Belleville from August to November 2000. She was an appellate lawyer with the Crown Law Office – Criminal in Toronto from 1998 to 2000. Her main areas of practice were criminal law and constitutional law.