CORNWALL, Ontario – The SD&G Library is asking the community to vote on where they would like to see a little free library installed.
A little free library is a location where community members can come and check out books for free.
The SD&G Library is proposing to install a box, about the size of a large mailbox, to house the little free library in a community that is currently not served by a branch of the SD&G Library. There are three communities to choose from, Newington in South Stormont, Matilda Hall in South Dundas and Martintown in South Glengarry.
Anyone who wants a say in the location can vote for their choice via Survey Monkey. The SD&G Library encourages users to vote as many times as they can.
In a statement on the survey, the Library states that they hope to use this new installation to supplement their services.
“The SDG Library is bringing Little Free Libraries to SDG to supplement the service provided by Library branches,” the Library’s statement reads on the survey. “Little Free Libraries are small book houses that provide an alternative access point for reading materials to help encourage literacy in the community. They work on the borrow a book, leave a book philosophy.”
The SD&G Library hopes to have the Little Free Library installed by late spring or early summer and are working to build the library with the help of students at Tagwi Secondary School.
This first library will be a pilot program and if it proves to be a popular idea, more may be installed in other communities within the SD&G Library’s region.
“A number of public libraries have seen the benefit of setting up or partnering with other organizations to offer Little Free Libraries in their communities – they can be a great addition to a community, providing another way for people to access reading materials,” said Susan Wallwork, Communications & Marketing Librarian with the SD&G Library.