CORNWALL, Ontario – A new social media presence for Cornwall police means updates in real time for all things traffic in the city.
Police are now active on Twitter (@CCPStraffic) and Facebook ( with regular daily updates on things like traffic tie-ups in Cornwall, accidents and even weather-related hazards.
“There has been a really good response from everyone,” said Const. Matt Dupuis, who does the majority of the traffic-related social media updates.
Dupuis posts photos of officers doing radar work to catch speeders (in an effort to ensure motorists follow the speed limit) and also updates images from accident scenes.
“Everyone wants to see what an accident looks like,” said Dupuis.
But rubberneckers can make it difficult for emergency crews to clear a scene.
“Now (people) don’t have to head down to see things for themselves.”
Members of the public are also encouraged to reach out to Dupuis and the police via social media if they witness an accident or other traffic-related issues.
“We also put out minor things – like urging people to check their windshields and the brakes, to make sure everything is working ok,” said Dupuis.