CORNWALL, Ontario – The United Way’s 10/10 campaign is sweeping social media and raising awareness about the value of donating in support of local causes.
The goal of the campaign is to get individuals to donate $10 to the United Way of SD&G and then to challenge 10 other people on social media to do the same.
“We decided to embark on the challenge as a way to spread the word, increase awareness and donations for the campaign,” said United Way of SD&G Executive Director Lori Greer. “Our hope is that the shares will be far-reaching and we will be able to engage many people to invest in our community.”
The campaign began on Tuesday, Dec. 6 and kicked off with a strong response with members of the local media and municipal government taking up the challenge.
So far, this fundraiser has raised over $1, 000 from 83 donors and the United Way is hoping for much more.
“Our campaign is currently sitting at 40% or our goal – we realize we have a very busy week ahead of us,” said Greer. “As always, local businesses and individuals are extremely generous, but we still need the support of our community to reach our goal.”
The United Way’s fundraising campaign goal for 2016 is $700, 000.