Respect Your Cat Day

Respect Your Cat Day

March 28th is Respect Your Cat Day.

Feline friends can offer love, companionship and joy to individuals and families who choose to adopt a cat as a pet. Though cats can certainly have their own opinions and often have no issue with demanding what they want, cats can make great pets, especially because they are very independent creatures. They really deserve a huge amount of respect – and that is what Respect Your Cat Day is all about!

It’s true that cats and kittens have a few days that celebrate them throughout the year, including International Cat Day in August and Global Cat Day in October.

But none of these are quite the same as the celebration of Respect Your Cat Day! Because, when it all comes down to it, cats can be impulsive, neurotic, and even somewhat antisocial. But the thing that they demand most (though they might pretend like they don’t really care)? Respect.

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