Good afternoon,
I moved to Cornwall from Montreal almost a year ago now (like so many other ex-Quebecers) and am thoroughly enjoying my decision and living here in the Le Village Cotton Mills area.
I am not sure if the corner lot on William Street (at Edward) is privately or city owned. But the City of Cornwall used it this winter as a snow dump.
Last summer it was a grassy little park. After this winter, and all the snow dumped there, it is littered with large branches and many broken trees, remaining dirt and gravel from the snow piles, and is generally an eyesore.
Who is responsible for cleaning up this mess? Just a few benches and pots of flowers and this would be a nice little park for almost no cost.
If an effort is being made by the city to improve the Le Village part of town, this should be taken care of and soon.
Joanne Chouinard
Dear editor,
Kelly Bergeron shared an interesting point of view regarding client service[s] rendered by city personnel.
Having worked as a federal public servant in management for several decades, in the field of communications, my job was to deliver a top quality service to the public. Employees received regular performance reviews from their managers and were held accountable for their performance.
City Administration and the current Council were either hired or elected to serve on council via a municipal election to serve all residents [clients]. This should require all city employees, at every level, and all council members to respond to information requests, promptly, to provide an overall good service. This is not always the case.
The suggestion to hire a consultant to conduct a client service survey is a good one otherwise how can our city improve its services without knowing what is working well and be able to detect areas of concern?
The city is in the throes of hiring a new CAO therefore in terms of timing the person who will be tasked with managing Administration and overseeing client service will have a golden opportunity to determine the best use of
human resources and to identify cracks in the system by way of a public survey and other measures.
It should be up to residents to grade city services since our property taxes fund these and we pay for salaries that support these services. Indeed a bi-annual survey should become a routine practice and the results shared with taxpayers.
Pam Carson