Dear Editor,
The Adopt-a-street program and its volunteers provide a wealth of benefits to our community. Have you noticed their contribution?
Perhaps you have seen someone who was dressed in an orange vest, marked ADOPT-A-STREET VOLUNTEER on the back, collecting litter on your street or in a park you frequent.
The program was launched in 2016 because of several newcomers who saw too much litter in the streets and nearby park and wished to address this embarrassing situation. As a result of their efforts an anti-litter, cleaner city program emerged.
Today there is a wide array of volunteers who, all totalled, are removing a massive amount of litter from many sidewalks, trails and parks. These special volunteers contribute about 5-30 hours of their time per year. In fact, many volunteers have participated in the program 3-9 years!
Imagine how much has been accomplished by Adopt-a-street volunteers since 2016 in terms of the exceptionally low cost to the city to support this program i.e. the cost of safety vests, pickers and pails.
Civic pride is something to be celebrated and considered a primary asset in every community. Adopt-a-street volunteers have demonstrated time and again they care about the city’s image by doing what they can manage to make it cleaner and welcoming.
We wish to thank past and present volunteers who have made and continue to make Cornwall a better place to live!
Pam Carson, Ray Carson, Madelaine Waller,
Volunteer Coordination Team