We’re back. Positive stories to help you survive the Pandemic. Et quelques mots en francais aussi!
Cornwall’s small business community is the focus of this year’s Cornwall Living magazine, which returns after a 1 year hiatus.
“We know that people are looking for good news, something to take their minds off of the pandemic,” says Rick Shaver, Publisher. “This year’s magazine is one of the best ever – featuring stories from across our community about local people and businesses that are succeeding despite the challenges of the past 16 months.”
The cover story profiles the Lee sisters of Cornwall – Erin, Jenny and Kelsey – who have each taken different paths to pursue their dreams.
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our city and we have been fortunate to been so warmly welcomed and supported in our hometown,” says Kelsey Lee. “Cornwall Living is a special publication that is greatly anticipated each year. We can’t wait to share with our friends and family.”
The 2021 edition of Cornwall Living marks the 27th year that the Seaway News has published a magazine celebrating life in Cornwall, following a break in 2020 when the magazine was not published. This year’s edition once again features some amazing stories and photographs, touching on all aspects of life in the area – including business, sports, arts and more.
The 116 page magazine includes feature articles on a variety of topics. Some of the key stories include:
- The Changing Face of Downtown Cornwall – New businesses are popping up downtown
- Turning Dreams into Reality – Entrepreneurs launch new businesses
- Cornwall’s Maker Scene – Artisans showcase creative spirit
- Cooking Up a New Life – Cornwall welcomes dozens of newcomers
- Lights. Camera. Cornwall. – Local videographers help tell Cornwall’s story
- Happy Trails – Cyclists are rolling out to Cornwall’s Riverside Trail
- Cornwall at Night – A photo essay by Lee Ladouceur
- Share This – A collection of photos from social media
- A 10-page section in French that profiles the local Francophone community
- Choose Cornwall News
- and many more…
More than anything else, Cornwall Living profiles the success of individuals in all walks of life.
“I love living in Cornwall and telling the stories about people succeeding here,” says Mr. Shaver. “Cornwall Living continues to be our flagship publication – and we love it when people take it on their travels and share it around the world.”
Cornwall Living magazine is designed and edited by Colleen Parette, and many of the photographs are taken by local photographers. The magazine has an overall circulation of over 30,000.
Cornwall Living is always a popular addition to the information packages that Cornwall Economic Development sends out to business and residential investors. In addition to trade shows and other efforts, the magazine finds its way to thousands of individuals, businesses and government officials in Canada, the United States and abroad.
Get your copy!
Cornwall Living will be distributed to 20,000 homes in Cornwall and SDG next week. A copy of the magazine is available at a number of businesses throughout Cornwall, and can be picked up at the Cornwall Civic Complex.
Also stores and advertisers will also have copies available once stay at home restriction lifted. Seaway News also has copies at its office.