CFUW Cornwall and District Club holds 69th Annual General Meeting

provided by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)
CFUW Cornwall and District Club holds 69th Annual General Meeting
2023 CFUW Scholarship Recipients (Photo : submitted photo)

On Tuesday, May 28, the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Cornwall and District held their 69th Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Ramada in Cornwall. Approximately 60 members, 2023 CFUW Scholarship Recipients and guests gathered for dinner and to celebrate the achievements of the club over the past year.


A highlight of the evening was the engaging presentation by some very special guest speakers.  Previous CFUW scholarship recipients Carley Foulds, Sally Grant and Annie St. Marseille spoke passionately about their pursuit of post secondary education, their careers, and the enrichment that life-long learning has brought to their lives.


Two club members were recognized for their long-term commitment to CFUW Cornwall and District. Elaine Kennedy was entered into the club’s Book of Honour for her numerous contributions to CFUW both locally and nationally in the areas of Environment, Advocacy Policy Development, Programme and the Scholarship Fund. Hilary Blackburn was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for her dedicated leadership of the Programme Committee for several years.


Melanie Boileau, Program Manager for the Social Development Council of Cornwall (no comma) and Area accepted a donation of $1000 (no comma) on behalf of the Cornwall Youth Space. The Cornwall Youth Space project is aimed at providing a safe, engaging, and inclusive space for our city’s youth. This donation represents the on-going commitment by CFUW Cornwall and District to supporting our local Vibrant Communities initiative towards Poverty Reduction, Community Safety and Well-being.


The new club executive was elected consisting of Beth Grant (president), Elaine Kennedy (Recording Secretary and Resolutions Chair), Linda Lynch (Programme Chair), Lorraine Sharron (Membership Chair), Carole Esdale (Communications Chair), Barbara Summers (Archivist), Betty Eadie (Treasurer), Sheila Casgrain (Scholarship Chair), and Jo Sheppard (Media Liaison Chair and Past President). In addition, interest group leaders Linda Oathwaite (Gourmet Group), Carol Esdale (Book Club), Jennifer Adams (Advocacy) and Hilary Blackburn (Outdoor Group) confirmed their ongoing leadership for these groups.


The CFUW Cornwall and District Club began in 1955. The Club offers members the opportunity to meet other women, to support education and advocacy initiatives in local communities, and to enjoy and learn from interesting guest speakers at our monthly dinner meetings. CFUW membership is open to all women who support the CFUW vision and goals. To learn more about CFUW please go to the Cornwall and District CFUW website

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