CORNWALL, Ontario – The City of Cornwall will continue with snow clearing operations throughout the evening on Wednesday to deal with the ongoing storm. A full complement of snow clearing equipment is being used. According to weather monitoring equipment at the City Water Purification Plant, 28 centimetres of snow had fallen as of 3 pm.
Clearing of priority one routes (such as arterials, collectors and bus routes) will continue past 3:30 pm today until the snow stops and the routes are all completed. These routes have higher traffic volumes and are often used by emergency vehicles.
Priority two routes (including residential streets and parking lots) were completed last night and during the day on Wednesday. Crews will be out again later this evening to do the routes once more.
Sidewalk machines were in operation today and work will continue this evening and all day Thursday.
With over 275 kilometres of roadways and 175 kilometres of sidewalks to care for, cleaning up after a major storm is a significant challenge. The City of Cornwall would like to thank residents and motorists for their patience and cooperation while snow clearing activities are completed.
Residents who have concerns about snow clearing activities are asked to call Municipal Works at 613-932-5354.
Reminder – Overnight Winter Parking restrictions
Residents are reminded that overnight winter parking restrictions are in effect tonight to assist with snow clearing efforts. Parking on any roadway is not permitted between the hours of 1 am – 7 am. The City thanks all residents for their cooperation.