News from The Square

Leo Doucet—News from The Square
News from The Square

Did you know that the “Big Crane Event” of last Wednesday proved to be shorter than anticipated and we wish to thank everyone for heeding the warnings to steer clear of the fire lane in the morning and the delivery people for being understanding with the impediment in the mall’s delivery courtyard.  The whole project was completed by early afternoon.

Did you know that this coming weekend June 8th and 9th is a busy one downtown and in the mall with the 1784 Festival taking place in Lamoureux Park and the Soapladz Vendor Market here in The Square Marketplace.

Did you know that on June 15th there will be the “Aid the Stray” vendor market fundraiser in The Square Marketplace located opposite the passenger elevator in the mall.

Did you know that today and tomorrow the Ontario Road Supervisors Association (AORS) are hosting a trade show at the Civic Complex with over 200 exhibitors which means that people attending the trade show will most likely use our parking and walk over to the show.  Just a heads up that our normal parking availability may be tested today.  I understand that the trade show runs from 8:00am to 3:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday.

Did you know that we are hearing numerous complaints from customers who come to the mall and patronize the FOOD HALL restaurants only to find that finding a table to sit and eat at is difficult and sometimes impossible.  After looking into the situation and potential reasons underlying the complaints, we have discovered some interesting facts and patterns at play regarding the FOOD HALL sitting area.  The basic principle of the FOOD HALL seating area is serving the FOOD HALL restaurant customers by providing them with a place to sit and eat the food they purchased from the restaurants.  The FOOD HALL seating IS NOT there for people to come and sit for hours at a time and not purchase food or a beverage from our restaurants.  It is also not there for one person to sit at a table meant for four and deny anyone else from sitting at that table.  The FOOD HALL seating area is not meant to be a secondary office, nor a place to sleep, nor a craft centre nor a place to bring food from outside of our food court restaurants and sit and eat that food while taking the place of a genuine FOOD HALL patron who is unable to find a place to sit.

In the coming weeks, mall management will issue a set of guidelines to ensure that our FOOD HALL customers are able to find adequate seating to enjoy the food and beverage that they just purchased from one of the mall’s restaurants.  Once again it needs to be said that the FOOD HALL seating exists for the purpose of providing our FOOD HALL restaurant customers with a place to sit and enjoy the food and beverage that they just purchased for any one of the mall restaurants,


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