

—  4 November 2023

My name is Alex Laderoute and I am secretary of the Take a Veteran to Dinner of Cornwall committee.…

Letter to the Editor: A Successful Program

—  12 October 2023

A lot of people, as you may know, contribute a variety of litter to our streets, trails and…

Letter to the Editor: Bob Turner Memorial

—  8 October 2023

Dear Editor, Actions can speak volumes. In the early 1960s when the City of Cornwall decided…

Slow truth and strong communities

Slow truth and strong communities

—  6 October 2023

You may have heard the famous saying by Sir Winston Churchill: “A lie gets halfway around…

For the want of a journalist …

For the want of a journalist …

—  5 October 2023

I was recently chatting with a former journalistic colleague when she brought up a conversation…

We tell the stories that matter to you.

We tell the stories that matter to you.

—  4 October 2023

Main Street has changed. There was a time when you could find just about everything needed…

Letter the Editor re. the Mishandling of the Greenbelt Land

—  29 August 2023

Dear Editor: With the Ontario Auditor General’s damning report on the mishandling of the…

Letters to the Editor

—  10 August 2023

Dear Editor, A wide range of emotions was evident when the nine member Board of Directors…

Letter to the editor: Arts and Culture Centre Scrutiny

—  4 November 2022

Letter to the editor. Recently, it has come to my attention that the proposed Arts and Culture…

Menard Park rat problem plagues residents of Ivan Crescent

Menard Park rat problem plagues residents of Ivan Crescent

—  2 November 2022

A decision by the City of Cornwall to save money by not cutting grass on the west side of Menard…