It is a time to come together to remember the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country in wartime, armed conflict, and peacekeeping. It also a time to remember those who have given their lives in the pursuit of peace. On this day, we wear poppies to remember and join ceremonies held at Cenotaphs to commemorate all those who served and sacrificed for our country.
As we know war memorial Cenotaphs are vital commemorative sites that serve to remind us of all who have served and made the supreme sacrifice. Recently, South Stormont refurbished and re-dedicated the War Memorial Cenotaph at the Lost Villages Museum Site.
I was fortunate to be at the rededication ceremony for this new memorial Cenotaph. A committee worked over a year which planned the construction to modernize the Milles Roches-Moulinette War memorial which commemorates the service and sacrifices of our veterans in World War I, World War II and the Korean war. The dedicated volunteer committee was able to acquire $13,000 in funding through Veterans Affairs Canada to rededicate the Milles Roches-Moulinette War memorial to the Lost Villages Museum Site. Other contributors to help make this vision come to fruition were the Township of South Stormont with a $10,000 donation, the RCL Branch 569 Long Sault contributing $3,000 and Losey’s Haulage kindly donated their labour.
The exceptional site included beautiful interlocking brick pathways, picturesque raised gardens, a poppy stone, a third flag pole and solar lighting for visitors to view at night.
The beautiful refurbished Memorial Cenotaph will help serve our community for years on end in the remembrance and appreciation of the sacrifices that were made in the preservation of freedom in times of war. I remind my own children of the importance of taking time to remember those veterans who have served including their great grandfather and to also take the time to thank those who are presently serving in the military for their country.
The Cenotaph’s Ault Park site is a perfect central location for our Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry schools to bring classes of children to come visit and learn about our deep, rich incredible past. The Lost Villages Museum War Memorial site can be used by educators to help teach their students about our proud Canadian history.
Recently, on October 22nd, I was also able to attend the re-dedication ceremony of the Van Camp Cenotaph in North Dundas. A dedicated committee worked hard to raise funds to refurbish the monument. The Cenotaph commemorates five soldiers who fought and died in World War I. We had a great turnout of over 80 people in attendance who weathered the heavy rain during the ceremony. On October 29th, I was fortunate to attend the rededication of the Williamsburg Cenotaph at the J.C. Whitteker Park that was dedicated to Williamsburg veterans who served in various conflicts.
Honouring our veterans is integral for Canadians to always remember those who have made many sacrifices to build a strong free country.
Thank you for your service.
Lest we forget.