Save the date!

Columnist, Angela Parker
Save the date!

The City’s 4th Annual Eco Day will take place Saturday, April 20, 10 am until 2pm in Lamoureux Park. Once again, free mulch and compost will be available to the public. Bring a bin, bag, or bucket. The event will also have a licensed bike mechanic on site who will be providing free safety checkups. So, bring your bike and get it ready for Spring. Start saving your electronic waste and drop it off at the hybrid Transit bus that will be parked near the bandshell. Acceptable waste items include batteries, small electronics, light bulbs, printer ink, and pens. This year’s Spring Give a Shirt campaign will be during Earth Week, April 15 – 19, but we will also be accepting Give a Shirt donations at the parked bus on Eco Day.

New to Eco Day this year, several hands-on stations will be available to learn all about water, water systems, and the importance of water conservation. Eco Day updates will be posted on the City’s website

The City’s Youth for Climate Action Working Group was awarded $500 from the Youth Climate Action Summit to support their pollinator garden project. The pollinator garden is located outside of the Benson Centre. The Youth are currently planning the layout of the garden. They will be promoting their project and collecting native plants at Eco Day. If you would like to support their pollinator garden by donating native plants before Eco Day, or if you are a high school student interested in joining the Group, email or call 613-930-2787, ext. 2507. The project is being supported by the City’s Environmental Services and Parks and Landscaping Departments, the Raisin Region Conservation Authority, and Transition Cornwall+.


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