Did you know that the WAVE OF HUMANITY QUILT currently on display takes up all of the left side display window of the former EB Games storefront while the story behind the WAVE 0F HUMANITY QUILT is posted on the right-side display window. It is not to be missed.
Did you know that in just a little less than 6 months, Santa and his entourage will be arriving at Cornwall Square for the 2024 Christmas Season. We at Cornwall Square are already in the planning stages for a new approach to mall décor this year. Look for the return of Santa and Mrs. Claus as well as Rudolph up on the roof. PS: It looks like Rudolph has been bulking up in the off-season.
Just to start the anticipation building early, Hickory Farms and Calendar Club have already confirmed their return to Cornwall Square in 2024.
Did you know that Cornwall Square looked at all the entries for the “My Mom is the Best” contest and chose the 3 winning short essays on Monday May 13th. All three winning moms told us that they did not know about being entered and were surprised when they were told on Mother’s Day and they were ecstatic to find out that they had won when we called them on Monday. A big thank you to all of those who submitted their essay praising their mother for being the best. Congratulations to the 3 winners: Sandra whose essay was submitted by Olivia, Florida Rose whose essay was submitted by Krista and Louise whose essay was submitted by Chantal. Each Mom received a Laura Secord gift basket full of yummy shareable goodies. A common thread among most of the entries was that “Mom was super caring, selfless and smelled good”.
Cornwall Square wishes to thank Bruce Wickham for helping with the display at centre court, Luis Quiroz for his photography, our maintenance team for their efforts on creating the display and most of all to all of our customers who participated in our 2024 Mother’s Day event.
Did you know that civility appears to have taken a holiday when it comes to public discourse and interaction among individuals. It seems to be far easier to tell or demand rather than ask, respond aggressively rather than politely, challenge rather than cooperate and to deflect any responsibility for one’s actions rather than accept those actions that we took..
Did you know that the clanging and banging that can be heard in the FOOD HALL was coming from the Chicken Garden space that is tarped off while the new tenant finished the building out of his restaurant. The anticipated opening of Chicken Garden is in early June 2024.
Thought of the week: “If one has nothing good to say, better to say nothing.”