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LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo on Mondays & Thursday at 12 Noon.  Doors open at 10am. Please call ahead for euchre on Feb 1st

CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties.  Info: Henriette 613-330-9039.

IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit

CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. Info: Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951.  Email:

SPAGHETTI  FUNDRAISER:  on the last Friday of the month. The next fundraiser will be on Jan. 27th at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and  4-6:30 pm.

CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND Beginners class on Mondays; Intermediate class on Tuesdays; Band rehearsals on Thursdays : Classes are 3:30 -4:30 p.m.; band is 3:30 – 5 p.m.; all are at St. Felix de Valois church hall. – best to arrive 15 minutes earlier to set up. Info: or 613-362-4881 or 613-931-1580.

IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, visit “Catholic Information Centre” Mon.- Fri.10am-4pm at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). 613-933-5099

MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at

WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs)  Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs).  Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available.

SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St open for all activities. Info: (613) 932-4969.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order: 613-933-2362.

CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Info: Roly 613-932-9396.

SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians to join us at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Ralph Bough at 613-362-4881.

BINGO AT THE CCÉC ! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, Cornwall.

Bingo au CCÉC !  Venez jouer tous les lundis à 18h00.  Portes ouvertes à 16h00.  PAS DE RÉSERVATION.  Rendez-vous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall

BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIO – SOUTH EASTERN REGION. Open Support and Share Adult group sessions held monthly every 3rd Thursday at the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St. Info: 613-936-7470.

SEAWAY STRINGS is a group of fiddlers who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1 – 3 pm at the Seaway Senior Citizens Club at 506 Pitt St. Info: Rick 613 932 2872.

THE MOCCASIN RAILROAD CLUB meets at 7 pm the first Wednesday of each month at the Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146B Chevrier Avenue. Modellers and rail enthusiasts. Info: John Kelly, 613 930-5646.

SEAWAY TOASTMASTERS CLUB.  Join us every second and fourth Tuesday, at the Cornwall Public Library, at 6:15pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 sharp. Info: Laura, 613 551 3252.

SEAWAY FIBROMYALGIA GROUP. Aqua Fitness Group, Cornwall Aquatic Center every Tues. & Fri. from 12-1pm. Info: Judy 613-330-0588 or Leona 613-931-2874.

LADIES AUXILLIARY BREAKFAST Sun., Jan 29 from 8-11:30 am at 105 Legion Way, Cardinal.

THE CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB Bid Euchre will be held on Thurs., Jan. 26th in the main hall, starting at 1 pm.

RCAFA WING 424 WEDNESDAY WING NIGHT KARAOKE entertainers are: Jan 25th Lil Debbie & Kim. Info: 613-932-5334.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR 297 LADIES AUXILIARY exec. meeting at 6:30 pm & general meeting at 7 pm on Feb 1st 2023.

CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB EUCHRE Jan. 25  & Feb 8 at 7 pm. Info Roly 613-932-9396 or Helen 613-931-3076

CLASSIC COUNTRY MUSIC DINNER & DANCE Feb. 11 at the Lion’s Club in Bonville at 6 pm. Pasta, salad & dessert. Info Marland 613-936-3625.

SOCIAL DANCING the first Friday of the month (except April which will be second Friday) from 7-10 pm at the Centre Charles-Émile-Claude 146 Chevrier Ave. Dances Feb 3, March 3, April 14, May 5, June 2.  Info: Dennis 613-618-7684.

THE ROTARY CLUB OF CORNWALL SUNRISE is continuing its drive to provide blankets for Ukraine. Each blanket costs $40.  You can help by donating to  Enquiries should be directed to

TRANSITION CORNWALL + FOOD ACTION GROUP presents on Sat., Jan. 28 at 1:30 pm at the Cornwall Public Library, the free public showing of the film Just Eat It.  Everyone is welcome to view the film and join a short discussion at the end.

GREEN LIFE GARDENS & 613 PLANTS Valentine Plant Arrangement Workshop Feb 11th 11am-1pm at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia. Info:

VALENTINE’S DAY CONCERT  at Blessed Sacrament Parish, 321 Tollgate Rd from 6-8pm on Sun., Feb. 12th in the parish hall. The concert is being held as a special occasion for everyone and a fundraiser for the parish.  Performers are Ed O’Brien & Marie Cameron and Kevin Rivette. Free will offering.

CORNWALL LEGION SENIORS 60 and OVER CLUB Members monthly luncheon, meeting and bingo will be held on Thurs.,
Feb. 2 starting at noon.

CORNWALL LEGION SENIORS 60 AND OVER CLUB Bid Euchre enthusiasts’ games will be held on Thurs., Feb. 9th, 16th and 23rd in the main hall, starting at 1 pm.

TRI-COUNTY COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION MONTHLY DANCE/Jam Session & Dinner Sat Feb 4 from 2-8:30pm. Bring your instruments and dancing shoes. 2 Mille Roches Rd, South Stormont Township Hall.  Info: Elaine 613-362-0173

GLENGARRY HISTORY SPEAKERS SERIES: “Simon Fraser’s epic journey shaped the map of Canada” by Jack Hanna. Alexandria Glengarry Sports Palace’s Michel Depratto Hall. Wed. Feb. 1 at 7:30 pm. Info.: rbleile@ or call 613 525-3806 or or call 613 525-0902

SEAWAY VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE programs: Diverticular Disease Nutrition 101: A workshop for those with a diagnosis of diverticular disease. Mon., Jan. 30, 9-10:30 am.  Heart Healthy Eating Workshops: Learn how food and nutrition can help prevent & manage heart disease. Wed., Jan. 25, 2:30-4:00 pm and Fri., Feb. 24, 9-10:30 am.  Register at or call 1-888-936-0306 ext. 229.

THE SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE is hosting the 2023 Seniors Active Living Fair on Sat., Feb. 11 from 10am-2pm  at the Centre located at 506 Pitt (corner of Fifth and Pitt St.) in Cornwall. Info: 613 932 4969.

BELLY DANCE WORKSHOPS now at a Lil’pole Fitness Fridays, Feb. 3rd – March 3rd from 5-5:50pm. All levels are welcome. Info:

CORNWALL SENIOR CITIZEN CLUB bid euchre tournament on Sat., March 25th at 10 am sharp. Lunch will be served at noon. Sixty players maximum. Interested? Contact Maggie Prieur, convenor at 613-932-0980.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 297 Ladies Auxiliary Annual Valentine’s Tea , Wed., Feb 8 from 11am-1pm. Bake table, white elephant table, book table and luncheon. Info: 613-932-2518.

50+ COMMUNITY CLUB HOSTING EUCHRE. Sat. Feb 18. at St Matthews, 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside. 12 Noon – 4pm. Info:  Betty 613-984-1431 or Jack 613-537-2295.


Le SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE organise la 2023 Seniors Active Living Fair le samedi 11 février de 10 h à 14 h au centre situé au 506 Pitt (à l’angle des rues Fifth et Pitt) à Cornwall. Renseignements : 613 932 4969.

ATELIERS DE DANSE BELLY maintenant à Lil’pole Fitness les vendredis, du 3 février au 3 mars, de 17 h à 17 h 50. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus. Renseignements :

CORNWALL SENIOR CITIZEN CLUB offre un tournoi d’euchre le samedi 25 mars à 10 heures précises. Le déjeuner sera servi à midi. Soixante joueurs maximum. Intéressé(e) ? Communiquez avec Maggie Prieur, animatrice, au 613-932-0980.

TRI-COUNTY COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION MONTHLY DANCE/Jam Session & Dinner Sat Feb 4 from 2-8:30pm. Apportez vos instruments et vos chaussures de danse. 2 Mille Roches Rd, South Stormont Township Hall.  Info : Elaine 613-362-0173

SÉRIE DE CONFÉRENCES SUR L’HISTOIRE DE GLENGARRY : “Le voyage épique de Simon Fraser a façonné la carte du Canada” par Jack Hanna. Salle Michel Depratto du Palais des sports d’Alexandria Glengarry. Mer. 1er février à 19 h 30. Renseignements : rbleile@ ou téléphonez au 613 525-3806 ou ou téléphonez au 613 525-0902.

Programmes du SEAWAY VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE : Diverticular Disease Nutrition 101 : Un atelier pour les personnes ayant reçu un diagnostic de maladie diverticulaire. Lundi 30 janvier, de 9 h à 10 h 30.  Ateliers sur l’alimentation saine pour le cœur : Apprenez comment l’alimentation et la nutrition peuvent aider à prévenir et à gérer les maladies cardiaques. Mercredi 25 janvier, de 14 h 30 à 16 h, et vendredi 24 février, de 9 h à 10 h 30.  Inscrivez-vous sur ou appelez le 1-888-936-0306, poste 229.

CLUB DES SENIORS DE LA LÉGION DE CORNWALL 60 ans et plus Le déjeuner mensuel des membres, la réunion et le bingo auront lieu le jeudi 2 février à partir de midi, 2 février à partir de midi.

CLUB CORNWALL LEGION SENIORS 60 AND OVER Des parties d’Euchre pour les amateurs auront lieu les jeudis 9, 16 et 23 février dans le hall principal, à partir de 13 heures.

GREEN LIFE GARDENS & 613 PLANTS Atelier de composition de plantes pour la Saint-Valentin 11 février 11h00-13h00 aux Chevaliers de Colomb, 205 Amelia. Info :

CONCERT DE LA SAINT-VALENTIN à la paroisse Blessed Sacrament, 321 Tollgate Rd de 18h à 20h le dimanche 12 février dans la salle paroissiale. Ce concert est une occasion spéciale pour tous et une collecte de fonds pour la paroisse.  Les artistes sont Ed O’Brien & Marie Cameron et Kevin Rivette. Offrande libre.


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