CORNWALL, Ontario – Set in the late 1970’s, the Seaway Valley Theatre Company’s (SVTC) rendition of Neil Simon’s Chapter Two is sure to draw some big laughs and relatability.
“I think everyone’s going to really enjoy it. It’s definitely something different but also familiar. There’s comedy and rawness…(involving) conversations and arguments people may have had in their own lives,” said first-time Director Matt Latimer.
Matt, who has been involved with the SVTC for nine years, said his wife tossed the book at him and encouraged him to direct Chapter Two, which is also a famous skit in one of his favourite shows Seinfeld.
“It’s like juggling and you have to keep your focus on every ball at the same time,” said Matt, who has stage managed, acted and assisted with odd jobs throughout various productions in the past.
The play centres around widowed writer George Schneider, played by Paul Aubin, who is encouraged by his younger brother Leo, played by Kerry Walker, to start dating again. Leo then finds Jennie Malone, played by Alison Latimer, on the rebound herself. Along the way, Leo ends up having a fling with Jennie’s friend Faye, played by Krystal Taillon.
Matt is happy to work with the talented actors and volunteers who help the show go off without a hitch.
“It’s definitely a community effort…we have roughly 10 to 12 people working on the show directly and eight working indirectly,” said Matt.
Show times are set for October 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19 at 7:30 p.m. and October 6 at 1:30 p.m. with tickets available for purchase for $20. The performance is set to take place at École secondaire publique L’Héritage but Producer Allison Main is concerned that the possible work-to-rule campaign among CUPE staff, which could begin on Monday, Sept. 30, may impact show times. In the case of the campaign moving forward, the scheduled performances will be postponed.
To find out more about the production and upcoming shows, or purchase tickets, visit the SVTC website here.