CORNWALL, Ontario – Come Join Us on Aug. 24, 2019 as Al-Anon will play host to the Second Annual Family Fun Day. This event will take place in the camp located in Behind the Lost Villages from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
There will be games, prizes, hot dogs, hamburgers and entertainment and more importantly and old fashion traditional Pot Luck and Out of towns speakers. Guests are asked to bring their own lawn chairs.
Kevin R is an active and proud member of Al-Anon who has chosen to share his experience, strength and hope with us.
“The family fun day is about recovery, Community Outreach and embracing others who might be seeking solutions for caregivers who are living with someone suffering from the disease of addiction. We invite you to come learn, listen and experience what recovery is while having some good old-fashioned fun, hearing stories of recovery and sharing experiences with others.
When I attended my first Al-Anon Meeting, I was at the peak of my life. I was a loving husband, father, son, brother, new grandfather, entertainer, philanthropist, etc.
I was a broken child in many ways. Depressed, lost, uncertain of tomorrow, fearful and most importantly devastated. I was seeking for answers on how to save my marriage, my children all while trying to find myself. Afflicted by my own depression, my false pride had led me to a place of emptiness and loneliness beyond any words. As my world came crashing down by the simple words: I don’t love you- was ever so real. I hide from friends, my community. But lost my musical soul. Many years of battling with effects of my children and extended families’ disease led me to take one of the most difficult steps of my life. Finding this recovery program. What I heard at the first meeting was something that I had not heard or felt for many years: “Welcome!” As I belonged nowhere for a very long time. I was a lost soul. I gradually discovered the true meaning of ACCEPTANCE.
I was humbly awakened to the understanding of what it is to redefine yourself at a point in your life where redefining yourself is your last hope.
Be it well known that for every suffering addict there are seven more in their circle who will be directly or indirectly affected. I can share with you that in my case there were many more than just seven.
Being part of this fellowship, has allowed my broken inner child to find healing. The strength to work through many of my personal struggles. I now live life with a new found freedom. I am a work in progress. I don’t have to be perfect… just me! I choose to live, laugh and love myself and others now one day at time. I thank my higher power (I can him God), daily for granting me the grace. My only hope would be that many others find that same grace be it on this day or by taking their own lives back by going to their first meeting.
Contrary to what people may think about certain recovery programs (be it faith, cult or any other misconceived notions), I am a living example that the program works, when you work it and you as I ARE SO WORTH IT! A New Beginning! ONE DAY AT A TIME!
As I close, I would like to share that our sister program “ALA-TEEN” that assists the youth in finding recovery is currently in outreach phase. We hope that you will extend that welcome to this day all youth. We will be celebrating its launch to the community during this event.
In conclusion, I am proud to say that I am an adult child of an alcoholic. My hope is but for the Grace of God, this day attracts more families and their caregivers to recovery. Let it begin with me! My prayers are with you all and hope to see many of you on August 24 2019.
Just know that I love you all, in a very special way”
For more information about the Al-Anon Family Fun Day, please call Linda C at 613-330-1392. For more information about 12-step programs call 613-937-4880.