How to cope with the hormonal changes of menopause

Seaway News
How to cope with the hormonal changes  of menopause

At menopause, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. The drop in these hormones in the body leads to various symptoms, such as insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, joint pain, weight gain, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Is your physical and mental health affected by hormonal changes associated with menopause? Here are a few ways to help you feel better.

Be physically active. Regular exercise promotes muscle cell renewal and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Moreover, doing sports reduces stress. Some of the most beneficial physical activities include yoga, dance, Pilates, swimming and hiking. Choose the ones you enjoy most to stay motivated.


Adopt healthy eating habits. Increase your intake of vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Whenever possible, avoid processed foods, which are often high in fat and sugar. Additionally, choose foods high in fibre, zinc and magnesium to help minimize the discomforts associated with menopause.

Find ways to reduce stress. Since women generally feel more stressed during menopause, it’s a good idea to find ways to reduce it. Meditation, reading, drawing, writing, breathing exercises, going to the spa and having a massage are all effective solutions.

Take medication. Hormone therapy may be beneficial, particularly if you have severe menopausal symptoms and meet certain criteria. Whether in pill, patch or gel form, these treatments can improve your well-being during this period of hormonal change.

Many health professionals can help you cope with your symptoms, including doctors, dieticians, nutritionists and massage therapists. Don’t hesitate to consult them.

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