Queen’s University Offers Free E-CBT

Krystine Therriault - Seaway News
Queen’s University Offers Free E-CBT

A free digital care initiative run by the Queen’s University Psychotherapy Lab (QUOPL) is openly recruiting patients in Ontario to participate in clinically validated online psychotherapy programs.

Led by Dr. Nazanin Alavi, Psychiatrist in Chief and Chair of the Division of Adult Psychiatry in the Department of Psychology at Queens University, the initiative aims to address the issue of unmet mental healthcare needs, which affect as many as 2.3 million people in Canada. Adverse effects of these unmet needs include higher emergency department utilization, healthcare costs, longer hospital stays, increased likelihood of readmission, and worse clinical outcomes.

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (e-CBT) makes use of the flexibility, cost effectiveness, and efficiency of online platforms to make mental healthcare more accessible. E-CBT has been demonstrated to have similar effectiveness to in-person CBT, with fewer barriers with regard to cost, scheduling, and geographic location (not always available in rural areas).

“The online psychotherapy programs consist of weekly online sessions which deliver CBT content and helpful coping skills,” said Alavi, “Each session has an assignment which is reviewed by a therapist, who then produces personalized feedback to guide the participant through the therapy program.”

With the help of Ontario technology start-up, OPTT Inc., QUOPL has provided free online therapy programs to over 1,500 patients over the last 15 years. Their rigorously tested, evidence-based programs are delivered via a secure, cloud-based, digital mental health platform.

Studies currently open for recruitment include:

  • Depression AI Study: 13 weeks of free and individual online CBT for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing symptoms of depression and is currently living in Ontario.
  • Insomnia Study: 7 weeks of free and individual online CBT for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing insomnia and is currently living in Ontario.
  • Alcohol Use Disorder Study: 10 weeks of free and individual online CBT for anyone aged 18-65 in Ontario who is trying to quit alcohol consumption but struggles with relapses.
  • Correctional Workers Study: 12 weeks of free and individual online CBT for any current correctional workers in Ontario who have been experiencing symptoms of PTSD, depression and/or anxiety.

Email opt4.ecbt@queensu.ca for more information.

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