Habitat cleans cars for community charity

Shawna O'Neill, TC Media
Habitat cleans cars for community charity
Val Bowen

CORNWALL, Ontario – Community members could indulge in barbequed goods while having their cars washed this weekend at Habitat for Humanity Cornwall and Counties. 

Summer students cleaned cars for charity cash from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 25 during the organization’s second annual car wash and barbeque. The event also celebrated Habitat’s one-year anniversary of moving into their Vincent Massey location.

“Overall, anything raised from today will go towards simply raising hope and homes in our community,” said Breckyn Fowler, Resource and Volunteer Coordinator for Habitat. “It helps us keep out program going.”

Habitat is currently finishing their 13th home build in Williamsburg and they are hoping to hold the key ceremony in Sept.

“On the horizon, we are building in Cornwall here in 2019 and 2020. We are getting ready and going through our family selection process right now…we are trying to raise as much awareness as possible that we are building back in Cornwall,” said Fowler.

After one hour into the car wash, Fowler said that 15 to 20 people had stopped by to donate. She expected to see a surge of people between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Fowler is thankful for all of the community sponsors who helped make the event possible.

“Rona supported us last year by hosting it and taking care of the logistics for us…this year Rona has helped us out, they’ve given us all of the buckets, some of the cleaning supplies, the car wash signage. Farm Boy donated all of the food and Wholesale Club donated all of the drinks,” said Breckyn Fowler, Resource and Volunteer Coordinator for Habitat.

Investors Group (IGM) Financial was also a sponsor she added.

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