Halloween safety tips from the Cornwall Community Police Service

Halloween safety tips from the Cornwall Community Police Service
When trick-or-treating children should always be accompanied by an adult.

CORNWALL, Ontario – The Cornwall Community Police Service will be increasing the number of officers on community patrol on Halloween night in order to increase our visibility and presence in our neighbourhoods.

Police would like to remind motorists to be vigilant and slow down on this night when pedestrian traffic increases as children in our neighbourhoods take to the street to collect their Halloween treats.

Volunteers from Mobile Community Watch will also be working in partnership with the Cornwall Community Police Service in providing Halloween Safety Patrols.  Volunteers will be patrolling neighborhoods in vehicles identified with Mobile Community Watch signs between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. in order to provide assistance if necessary to children or anyone who may need to contact the police.   

For everyone’s safety, trick-or-treaters should keep the following safety tips in mind:

– Wear make-up instead of a mask, so you can see properly.

– Go trick or treating with family or friends. Let people know your route.

– An adult should check the treats you collect before you eat them.

– Walk, don’t run and look all ways before crossing the street.

– Trick or treat on one side of the street and then the other side.

– Only go to homes that have their lights on.

– Don’t go anywhere with a stranger. If someone invites you alone into a house say no thanks.

– A flashlight will help light your way. You will walk more easily in a short costume.

Once the fun is over, please remember to discard your Halloween pumpkins along with your leaf and yard waste on your regular collection day. Remember to remove any candles or metal or plastic objects from the pumpkins.

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