Have you thanked a musician today?

Roxanne Delage
Have you thanked a musician today?

CORNWALL, Ontario – Have you seen that post on Facebook which reads, something like… “Musicians pack thousands of dollars of equipment in a five hundred dollar car and drive a million miles (slight exaggeration) for a hundred dollar gig (not an exaggeration)?”

They do it for the love of it… And anytime they can, they do it for free, just to give back, in the best way they know how.

Well, a handful of local groups are showing their love for a wonderful cause, Hospice Cornwall, with fundraisers, in April.

The Alison Wonderland Band will be at the Royal Canadian Legion, on April 10, for a great night of music, from the 60’s right up to the chart-toppers of today – “a virtual tribute to the soundtrack of your life.” A light lunch will be served. Tickets are available online, through Paypal, at www.AlisonWonderlandBand.com, from the band members, as well as at Hospice Cornwall and at Carefor Health and Community Services, 205 Amelia Street (in back at Knights of Columbus building) Carefor Hospice Cornwall. Doors open at 8 p.m.

The good people at Sigma Point are hosting A Night of Music and Dancing, also to benefit Hospice Cornwall. Featuring the music of Nat & Perry, AM/FM Band, The Butlers and Trench Town Trio, this event will take place on Saturday, April 18, at the Army Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough Street, in Cornwall.

By now, almost everyone in the community has a Hospice story… Here’ mine.

The last time I saw my dear cousin, Diane, was at Hospice, just before Christmas. She’s with the Universe, now. She was my first friend, you know, that cousin your age that you hung out with growing up? Well that was her… Towards the end, she was just the sweet shell of who she once was, but her spirit was gigantic.

She mentioned that she would like lights in the tree outside the window of her room… When I spoke to Allison Hudson (volunteer coordinator for Hospice and lead singer for the Alison Wonderland Band) about it, she simply answered, “Then, she will get lights.”  The next day, it was done.

When all is said and done, it really is as simple as lights in a tree, isn’t it? Thank you, Alison.

I want to personally thank the Alison Wonderland Band, Sigma Point and all the other bands involved, for their generosity towards such a wonderful facility. You perform a great service to this community. We all do. Here’s hoping that the powers that be don’t forget our value.

Here’s what else is going on in town.

La Maison will be a very busy place, this month, with The Return of Fernandez, Thursday, April 2; Retro Dance Party, Friday, April 3; Rock Bottom, April 4; Metallica tribute, Sandman, on April 25.

Subtle will be at Jet Set Pub, April 17, with their mix of classic rock and modern pop tunes, and coming up at The Port, Anvil, on April 24, and The Paul Deslauriers Band, on April 25.

Congratulations, to a couple of lovely, local ladies celebrating new releases. Glengarry’s darling, Kelli Trottier, has un-officially dropped Taking Time (www.kellitrottier.com)­ and another local favourite, Nancy Beaudette, is very enthusiastic about her new CD, South Branch Road, now available for purchase on line at http://nancybeaudette.com.

Now get out and support some of these artists, please and thank you… Happy spring!

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