New Equipment Will Support More Than 500 Surgeries Each Year at WDMH 

Provided by Winchester District Memorial Hospital
New Equipment Will Support More Than 500 Surgeries Each Year at WDMH 
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May, 2022

Surgeons at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) were among the first in our region to perform laparoscopic surgery. And now they have brand-new equipment to support their work.

Because of our generous donors, the WDMH Foundation was able to fund the purchase of ten new Laparoscopic Trays. Each tray holds between 8 and 10 instruments for surgery such as scissors, graspers, and suctions. A second tray holds the trocars or tubes that the instruments travel through. The newer instruments are easier to assemble and clean, supporting staff and saving time. The total cost of this project was $97,652.

Laparoscopic surgery is now considered a ‘standard of care’ for many medical conditions. It is minimally invasive and has been shown to reduce blood loss, decrease pain after surgery, and lead to faster recovery.

Operating Team Leader Joanne Pollock says the new trays will support compassionate excellence at WDMH: “We have been thrilled to have been able to update our Laparoscopic General Surgery Trays. Some of our laparoscopic instruments were quite dated and this money could not have come at a better time – thank you. We were having to send our instruments out for repair, and in a lot of cases, the instruments were unrepairable.”

“WDMH surgeons tell us that these trays are used almost every day in the Operating Rooms and without them, some surgeries couldn’t happen,”, adds WDMH Foundation Managing Director Kristen Casselman. “We are incredibly grateful to all of our donors who make these types of equipment purchases possible every year.”


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