By Adam Brazeau
CORNWALL, Ontario – Searching for a place to buy local food products? The 2014-15 SDG&PR Farm Fresh Local Food map will point you in the right direction.
The Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network (EOAN), in partnership with the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), officially launched its new Local Food map at the Avonmore Berry Farm on Saturday, June 21.
“This map captures the local producers and farmers’ markets in SDG and Prescott-Russell (PR) to those consumers that want to support the local industry,” said Dana Kittle, EOAN coordinator.
The map is featured in print, online, and in a smartphone app, to connect local and regional consumers and businesses with local food and farms throughout the region.
Dozens attended the launch to taste the first berries of the season, and to help promote local farm fresh products by picking up a free copy of the Local Food map.
“The support that the United Counties of SDG gives to this initiative, further illustrates the importance placed on the agriculture sector within SDG,” said Terry Besner, economic development and communication officer for SDG.
The print version of the map can be found at the following locations in SDG&PR: Avonmore Berry Farm, Long Sault Farmer’s Market, South Stormont Township Office, and Township of North Dundas.
The online map and additional locations in the area with the print edition can be found here.