By Adam Brazeau
CORNWALL, Ontario – There are no stroke victims – only survivors, according to John Milnes.
If you’re currently taking care of a stroke survivor, or are a survivor yourself, there is help. Milnes is starting a stroke support group in the Cornwall-area, with the Cornwall branch of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, to offer support to the family and friends of stroke survivors, as well as those who have suffered a stroke themselves.
The group will allow people to meet and share stories, speak about stroke prevention, build a social network and discuss successful methods that have helped pave a road of recovery.
“I’m a survivor myself,” said Milnes.
He suffered a major stroke nearly 10 years ago – an ordeal that nearly left him wheelchair bound.
A decade later, a chance meeting with Milnes and Cindy Rowe, area manager of the Cornwall Heart and Stroke Foundation, led to the formation of the stroke support group. Rowe spoke to a collection of retired professionals about the services her foundation provides for stroke survivors and it stuck with Milnes. After a workshop in Kingston, he is now ready to be the group’s local facilitator.
“I think it’s going to help a lot of people,” said Milnes.
He is eager for the group to start in September. Meetings will be held at the Cornwall branch of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Groups will consist of 7-8 people and will meet on a monthly basis. The schedule is still flexible to the amount of people that join and if other locations are a better fit.
The support group is free of charge. All recovering survivors are invited. Guests are also welcome to come.
Rowe was unavailable for comment.
For information on the group, contact the Foundation at 613-938-8933.