The promises of God have been described as diamonds in a mountain of gold (God’s word). God promises some things. When he gives an “I promise” scripture, powerful things are going to happen. Last time we considered God’s exceedingly great and precious promises. The definition of a promise then is: “An assurance God gives to people so they can walk by faith while they wait for him to work.”
Here’s our second of five: “I will not doubt, God is in control.” Proverbs chapter 3, verses 5-6 in the Bible reads: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.” It’s an encouragement to not doubt. Doubt is usually nasty, even shattering. Now, there are times when doubt can be useful; like “I doubt the sincerity of someone trying to con me” or “I doubt this email is legit!”
But here in faith matters, doubt can lead to disaster. It has two relatives: Confusion and Disbelief. Confusion can be seen in a lack of understanding that can lead to a faith crisis that quickly turns into Doubt with some serious questioning and challenging of known facts – usually more emotionally driven. Still, we are to be merciful to those who doubt. If not checked and answered, doubt can lead to disbelief, which is truly dangerous. This involves rejection and a departure from what was once supposedly believed. The remedy for doubt is faith! Faith is trusting in what God says is true. It is never blind, but well informed.
Doubt is like soil that fear grows in. Doubts are also like a wild boat ride on 10-foot seas. You are really getting knocked around and you can’t navigate. “I just don’t know anymore!” Doubt can lead to destruction; the end of things. Like a mortgage foreclosure, there’s just nothing good coming from it. It can get very serious and toxic.
Ever think you’ve really got it all figured out, and you were so wrong? Wouldn’t you want to know what God’s word says on an issue – if it does? The promised result is so cool, I don’t know why on earth you’d want anything else! “He will direct your paths” is more than just guidance; he’s prepping the path! We might say “He’ll pave the way.” Some say it is a picture of making a really bumpy path a whole lot smoother.
You may or may not be aware, but the God we learn of in the Bible is always in control. How great would the promises of God be; if we had to wait and see if he could even do them? He rules over all the world without what we call ‘effort’ of the expense of energy. He’s never stressed or strained in his sovereignty; there’s no pacing, no sweating. Even though people today through their poor choices may look they are messing things up royally for God, no… he still works all things together for the good of those who love and trust Him! So: Trust the Lord, love the Lord!