To submit your event email:
50+ COMMUNITY CLUB hosting Euchre at St. Matthews 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside on Saturday May 20, 12 – 4pm. Cash Prizes. Free Door Prize. Share the Wealth Draw. Refreshments available. Adults Welcome. No registration or partner needed. Info: Betty 613-984-1431 or Jack 613-537-2295.
SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St open for all activities. Info: (613) 932-4969.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order: 613-933-2362.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Info: Roly 613-932-9396.
SEAWAY FIBROMYALGIA GROUP. Aqua Fitness Group @ Cornwall Aquatic Center every Tuesdays & Friday’s from 12 pm – 1Pm. Info: Judy 613-330-0588; Leona 613-931-2874; Denise 613-938-3615; Theresa 613-662-8713
Le CLUB COMMUNAUTAIRE DES 50+ organise une partie d’Euchre le samedi 20 mai à St. Matthews, 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside. Heure : de 12 à 16 heures. Prix en espèces. Prix de présence gratuit. Tirage au sort “Share the Wealth”. Rafraîchissements disponibles. Adultes bienvenus. Aucune inscription ou partenaire n’est nécessaire. Renseignements : Betty 613-984-1431 ou Jack 613-537-2295.