On November 4, 2023 the 2023 Heritage Award Plaque was given to the owners of a home at 341 Third Street East, Cornwall, to acknowledge its place in Cornwall’s built heritage. This home was built circa 1880 and has stood the test of time. It retains some of the original features, like the stone foundation and the 2 front porches. It has been preserved and cared for by the same family for the last 48 years. Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall is hoping to add many more Heritage Plaques to deserving homes or commercial buildings in Cornwall. If anyone knows of a building that they think deserves Heritage recognition, please contact Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall at info@heritagepatrimoinecornwall.ca.
To learn more about the Heritage Plaque program, or to apply, see https://www.heritagepatrimoinecornwall.ca/