CORNWALL, Ontario – Celebrating 29 seasons of entertainment, Arts in the Park, will soon launch its summer series, with a great lineup of local talent and more.
“Arts in the Park is an opportunity for local musicians and other talented performers to showcase their stuff in an outdoor setting,” said Lorne Taillon, leisure arts coordinator for the City of Cornwall. “It’s a beautiful summer night; beautiful scenery; a wonderful evening of music and the arts.”
Beginning June 24, at the bandshell in Lamoureux Park, among the 21 performance scheduled will be music acts of different styles, dance troops, choirs, and the very popular Movie in the Park, on July 19, which in the past has brought out 1000s to the park, according to Brittany DeRochie, special events assistant.
The Arts in the Park 2014 lineup is as follows.
Tues., June 24: Les Bon Vivants; Wed., June 25: Seaway Winds; Thur., June 26: Bruce Ciccarelli; Wed., July 2: Seaway Winds; Thur. July 3: Roxanne Delage; Tues. July 15: SwitchGear; Wed. July 16: Seaway Winds; Sat. July 19, 8:45p.m., Movie in the Park; Sun., July 20: Claripian-Duo; Tue., July 22: Moe Lemieux Quartet; Mon., July 28: Mike McAnany; Tue., July 29, Grace Willison and Lauren Mann & The Fairly Odd Folk; Wed., July 30: Seaway Winds; Thur., July 31: Winston Marley; Tue., Aug. 5: Shine Cat; Wed., Aug. 6: Community Showcase; Thur., Aug. 7:Ruby Tuesday Dixie Band; Tues., Aug. 12: Subtle and Carey Grant; Wed., Aug. 13: Alison Wonderland; Thur., Aug. 14: The Shiners; Wed., Aug. 20: Graham Greer. All shows are held at the Lamoureux Park Bandshell, and begin at approximately 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
“We want to bring people down to Lamoureux Park, said Taillon, “Having entertainment is a nice addition to the splash pad and the play structure, so families can come down, or stop by when they’re biking, have a little bit of a break and enjoy the evening.”
Sponsored in part by the city of Cornwall, organizers are now actively seeking sponsorship from local businesses or individuals. Those interested can contact Lorne Taillon at 613-938-9898, ext. 2, or through the city website. Donation can also be made at the park on the night of the events.
For further information, visit Facebook Arts in the Park – Cornwall; Twitter @arts_cornwall; or