The OSPCA will again benefit from its partnership with Entertainment Consultants International (ECI) as the 2011 fundraising and campaign benefit calendar is now available.
Not only does the calendar feature photos and information from the local OSPCA branch, but is also features numerous discount coupons for businesses such as Joey’s Restaurant, Lola’s Pub and Grub, Game-Tek and Dairy Queen Cornwall. In total, the benefit calendar features over $1,200 in savings through the discount coupons.
In 2010, $9,700 was raised for the OSPCA says Rick Nadeau, Owner/ Manager of ECI, who hopes to top that dollar figure this year.
“We don’t receive funding from the government,” says OSPCA of SD&G Branch Manager Carol Link, adding the Society needs these types of fundraisers to offset the cost of things like food, litter, blankets and vet services. “We wouldn’t be able to survive without it.”
This marks the second time Nadeau has lent a helping hand to the OSPCA as the benefit calendar Campaign Manager. ECI specializes in product creation/organization and marketing/promotion. He has worked on fundraising projects with local agencies such as the Agapè Centre, Big Brothers Big Sisters and CHEO.
The price of the calendar is only $19.95 plus HST and a portion of the proceeds will go directly to the OSCPA. A calendar can be picked up at places such as Game-Tek, 9-841 Sydney Street, Rack-Em-Up Billards, 1916 Pitt Street and the OSPCA on 550 Boundary Road. A total of 2,000 copies are available and Nadeau and Link said they would love to see a demand for more calendars to be printed.