Provided by the Cornwall Community Museum
L to R: Wes Libbey, Brent Whitford, and Don Smith (Photo : Submitted photo)

The SD&G Historical Society is pleased to announce that Brent Whitford has been appointed Senior Curator and Administrator of the Cornwall Community Museum. Currently completing his Ph.D in Anthropology at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Mr Whitford will join the museum on March 27, 2023 and brings a wealth of experience to his new role.

Wes Libbey President of the SD&G Historical Society states, “We are delighted and fortunate to be able to hire a very qualified Senior Curator and Administrator locally.  We believe his skills, experience and creativity will continue our Society’s and our Museum’s growth and presence in Cornwall.”

Mr. Whitford brings to the role deep institutional experience, an abiding passion for local history and learning, and a commitment to community building and civic engagement. He completed his BA at Vancouver Island University and his Masters in Anthropology at Trent University. Mr. Whitford’s forward-thinking vision and dedication combined with his past experience in fund-raising, community engagement and building teams will also greatly benefit the museum. During his ten years collaborating with the Blagoevgrad and Pazardzhik Regional History Museums in Bulgaria among other duties he managed a team of archivists and was instrumental in the design and preparation of museum exhibits as well as the preparation and cataloguing of artifacts both in the field and in the museums. Mr. Whitford is a native of Cornwall with a young family and is delighted to be able to build his future in his hometown. He is highly respected in his field and the SDG Historical Society is pleased that someone with his extensive skills and knowledge is now bringing these home to Cornwall.

“I am thrilled to join the team at the Cornwall Community Museum and Archives and sincerely look forward to serving my community! By promoting our diverse history and cultural heritage, together we can foster a sense of identity and well-being in the present. I look forward to an exciting future!” Mr. Whitford said upon assuming his new position.

Mr. Whitford’s appointment concludes an extensive and intensive search of candidates for this role.

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